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My oh my that was an interesting update ...

And I kinda feel more troubled.

Not about the novel, or the show (which was amazing, btw) but more about Chester route...

Ok, I will try to keep it as much spoilers free as I can, but don't read if you haven't finished 4.3













So, at first, when we got the info that Chester was married to Dave , and that both would have a route sooner or later, gave me the impression that they were in a open relationship, or were just poly... And that they, for some unknown reason, just have some secrecy abou it. 

Now... It is starting to feel like that was hope. An wishful thinking... And with the more secrecy we are getting, the more unhopefull I become...

I got to say that I'm stubborn AF, I sure damn well will be hanging by the last thread of hope until proven wrong, but by the stars, I really hope that I'm just overthinking this (he seems like a nice person, and he's very hot, that's why I'm down bad with the copium) .

But well, damn if Chester don't make al giggly. 

Well I guess it will be a lot of character development, I'm definitely in to see this trough. 

Also, I absolutely got reminded of that Trigger Warning wall with his dream... (That dread really hit closer than I expected)

Thanks again for this update, it was amazing, can't wait to see what will happen on the gym and pool party next updates. 

See ya.

Ps:the voice acting really makes this VN more immersive, so I wish that we can hear even more of it.