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Okay, this was short and sweet, and just to be a jerk, I purposefully accused the wrong person and chose the worst evidence to convict them. I like that you were able to give us enough clues to make the interrogation fun. I liked hearing what everyone had to say for each piece of evidence. I DO wish there were multiple endings for accusing the wrong person, or a different ending for choosing the wrong evidence (like the bad guy being able to get away with it). So, if you DO plan on expanding, one of the things you could think about is a multiple-ending route so there's more consequences for the player's choices. I also felt like it was a little too easy to figure out who actually did it. I know that for a short game, you don't always have the luxury of drawing things out, but maybe the character in question could use some tweaking to give more of a mystery to the end? That aside, everything else seemed really good. I loved the music, and the game taking place in a bookstore felt very chill for me. I also loved the writing for the employees because they felt easy to relate to. On a bad day, I am totally Elizabeth 100%. Good job on the entry.


Thanks for playing!

Multiple endings and different endings were in our rough plans, but clearly time got away from us so we had to cut things. If we do come back and fill this game out adding some more details and fun to the endings. As for the mystery being easy, I agree but it turned out that setting up enough red herrings and lies was too much work in the limited time. There were 40+ pieces of clues total and a lot of them connected and evolved when you asked the right suspect about them, so by the time I made 'enough' clues going into more detail wasn't possible. 

Also, I didn't expect Hawk to solve things since he overthinks, so I tweaked it to be more obvious even with the red herrings and lowered the necessary correct clues to win. Making a murder mystery was a lot of fun, so I may make another in the future with a lot more challenging clues and suspects. :)