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Lots of useful feedback in here so far.

I've decided to begin with an extremely conservative strategy: the bleeding-edge source revision of Decker now includes an interface named "danger", which is normally not accessible. If you tweak the makefile to define the symbol "DANGER_ZONE" and build native-Decker from scratch,  you can use this interface to do most of the things Lilt could do previously:

  • raw file I/O
  • filesystem traversal
  • access environment variables
  • and (if you're on a Unixy operating system) invoke shell commands(!)

Obviously there's a whole host of possible foot-guns, sharp corners, inconsistent cross-platform behaviors, etc, but also it's possible to do a few pretty neat things like grab live data from the internet:

For the time being, I intend to leave The Danger Zone disabled in official binary releases; if you can build Decker from source, I think it's a reasonable assumption that you understand the associated risks. Depending on how people use this functionality, I'll consider offering some other mechanism(s) for opting into danger.



My first thought is that I’m going to lose a lot of weekends doing very cool stuff with this. Thank you!

Rad! Feel free to post anything you work on!