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This is beautiful. Thank you. I was unwilling to run RR&F for my group because I didn't think I'd get the buy in on the hefty manual for what might end up being a one shot, but you've solved that issue for me.

For newcomers, I'd still advise that the GM get the full version from Kumada1's page, but this wonderful write up is almost certainly sufficient for the other players to fully engage.


To be honest, I made this because I had similar reservations myself. There are some notes about what's been cut from the rules in the appendix, but the full game has more than I could list there: more settings, scenarios, fish, animals, and player options. It also has more guidance on running different types of game (one-shot, interlude, collaborative world-building, campaign play) and for a broader audience (while I allowed myself the luxury of assuming an audience with a similar background in RPGs to my own).