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(1 edit)

Hi! It is a bug.

Which version of the game do you have?

The number is in the main menu.

Hi nacho!Thank you so much for your reply, the game version is Also, when I switch to English version, the bug still exists, hope for a bug fix so that I can play and record the game! 😆

(1 edit)

Oh no, the bug wasn't fixed with what I added ×.× 

Did the bug occur with one particular character o characters? 

Did it happen after some particular action?

Any info you can provide will be very helpful.

I have struggled  with that bug since the first version of the game and I still don't know why it happens.

(2 edits) (+1)

For me it first happened when i tried calling the apartment of someone not on the list, the character i tried calling apartment of was the pilot. The glitch isnt happening for DDD number but for every phone call ive tried to make since until i closed game and started it back up. p.s. love your game good luck fixing this bug :)

Thank you so much, this is very helpful!

I made account to report today it was the Pilot and Pilot's father too in another run, you can hear the voice of somebody responding shortly, there's no text and it hangs up fast. First time I quit (father) and I let the pilot in and had no doppelgangers but it happened 2x on stream today (game v1.0.1.2).


Yes I already find the bug, the next version will have that fixed!

Thank you! I had the same issue too. Will the records and achievements still be there when we use the new version? Working so hard to collect them all..

Yes, the data is saved in another directory so it is safe.