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Alright, thoughts on this game XD

I am incredibly biased toward Death Stranding as it is one of my favorite games of all time, and this game nails all the right spots to give me that vibe. The world feels right, its beautiful, its really large, and it feels so nice to climb up some place and look around the environment, I found myself just staring at the world and marveling at it for minutes at a time. 

The weather surprised me a lot, I had not expected a weather system but it works so well for the tone of the game. 

The music is also spot on. It's not low roar (I'm not actually sure what it is but I like it) but it still has the right tone and sound to it to bring out that lonesome beauty that Death Stranding is famous for. 

there was a box that was in a pit that I got stuck in. It took a few minutes of jumping into rocks before I could climb out. An update might want to include some way to get past steep terrain or obstacles. A rope, a super jump, or a ladder might help. 

The world, though beautiful, is a bit rough. While Death Stranding has rough jagged terrain, its one of the unique features of that game, it also has clear paths and slower but flatter terrain to use if needed. This world could use a little more flatness here and there to avoid the weird spots one gets stuck in.

I hit the ground so hard at some point that I fell through the map lol. Luckily there was a built in respawn mechanic so that was good. 

Robots shoot through the base. As if they know the player location despite lack of line-of-sight. Though I've taken direct blasts from robots and I don't think they actually do any harm, but look spooky. 

The Lighting levels in the bedroom area are too harsh, making the shadows so dark that you can't see all the 'details' of the girl. This may be due in part to me using low graphics, thank you for including that option, my PC sucks, so it was really good to be able to play this on low settings. 

Though you can only hold one box at a time (something that should be upgradable to hold more in future releases If possible) you can spam the E button next to a second box and teleport it with you as you walk, effectively letting you take two boxes to base at once.

A fun idea for any future updates would be to have a different and unique sex partner at each base for adult activities. This could serve to not only make each base unique to that character, but give people a reason to return to them just to see their favorite npc.

All in all, this was an amazing game, and I really hope it gets updates because if this is what you can do in a week, imagine what a month, or even a year of development could be like? This could be the single best thing since the original death stranding! 


Thank you! We are completly agree with all your ideas, we planed to implement all of them =D Still didn't have enought time to complete it but we are oin progress. There is interesting point about world flatness. We didn't notice it during jam development, because not be able to fully complete the game (not enough time). But we noticed that when tried to playthrougth, it defenetly should be more flat =D