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I really enjoyed this and would really like more content to the game etc if you ever plan on doing that. Great job. :) 
On a small notice, when I got the little school girl in the window, I tried calling her apartment and someone did pick up, I  did however not get any text in the speech bubble so I have no idea what they answered. I suppose that is not supposed to happen?

Hi! Yes I'll add more content to the game.

About the school girl, yes, that is a bug, a really sneaky bug, but I think I manage to fixed, I hope.  .  .

I'm curretly working on some stuff for the game, as soon as I'm done I upload a new version with the new stuff and some bugs fixed, including that one (if it works what I done) because it's very hard to replicate, so I can't test it like I should.


That sounds awesome! You have my support and I truly believe the future updates and new versions will be great, looking forward to it :)