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"Download it and play"... you mean download, install getting Windows to install the unsigned app and then agreeing to some random app's license and then start the game named "Created with Gamemaker"... Hmmm... seems a little sus? Really could do with making this explicit, especially since the app has an install button that only downloads your game and then when "launch"ed dumps the explorer window open with your apps executable there, running that install  the game onto my system but it is not accessible through the app where all my other games are...

I'm just saying that your game is a little unfriendly when it comes to first impressions - whether using the app (worse) or not (better).

What the graphics and writing looks like (not unplayable but...):

I should also note that this option is broken (non-clickable), don't worry you get other options in Autumn if you want to wait all through Summer from this Spring option!

(1 edit) (+1)

I have a version 2 that fixes most the issues you have highlighted, this is now live so check it out.

But the art style is the art style...


(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the speedy reply... I like the art style but it was difficult to see much through the jaggies! :D

I'll check out the new version when I have a chance! :)

Checked out the new version and spent over an hour playing it... though I don't know exactly since integration with the itch app is still missing so it doesn't record my play time. The name of the app is fixed but that's the least of the unfriendly things it asks me to do to play it.

The lack of save is disheartening and the sudden jump from sapling to huge shading broadleaf in one season is odd - run out of time I guess? Though at least the option that was broken is now fixed.

Will give this another try in time but I've not the time for this right now, sorry.

Maybe once it is a more mature game.