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The style is cute and fun, the music is quite nice, and the controls (on M&K) are quite suitable (but a lil static), but there a lot of flaws that sour the experience.


Z-indicator should be a line, considering how the camera cannot look down.

Stomp hitbox is too small, just a peeve.

Camera is stuttery.

Camera is very limited.

Why choose worse characters? Is there a benefit? exclusive areas or perks?

(I also got softlocked after the giant tree because of either bad level design or the character I played had a weaker jump...or both).


Game lags at fullscreen? How?

Bells are too slow and have a small magnet range.

Lackluster dialogue, which is fine but makes it really easy to just want to not read.

Somewhat cheap level design, invisible walls and obstacles.
(big tree, hit gift box with collar, big tree disappears??).

Stretched out textures.

Overall, It's okay, but it lacks any thing to distinctify it from other collectathons, it unfortunately isn't that fun.
But it's fine, it's not that bad and definitely can bring those who like this specific genre some fun.