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I really like the concept idea. It feels like a type of Papers Please! game, which I really like, It is really fun to question people and find who they are. I'm impressed by the art that you created, it was only one weak but the whole scene has a lot of personality! Congrats on that.

I do think that a tutorial pointing out what exactly to do would be good. My first comment was saying that the game wasn't working, but I had no way of knowing that I had to click the bouncer in order to get a new alien to come. I stumbled upon it by accident. Even simply mentioning it would be better. Some of the props are a little janky too. Sometimes I try to move the drug tests and they snap back to their position. It's nothing that affects the gameplay but it looks weird.

Adding some music and SFX would be good too. We're outside of a party on the street!

Overall, I really liked the idea. Would love to see it expanded upon!