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there is a bug on the part of the story of kitsune, when she is on the top of hill for camp and watch the stars , both said them find each others special and want kiss each other, well there is a message error who appear when you click on kiss her  :

error : failed to load img/pictures/katsune%20y%20Prota%201%205.png

and if you click on the buttton bellow called  RETRY, the game block at 6h AM Monday and you cannot continu of play, screen stay black

i play the game in normal mode.

I have checked the image and sure enough it seems that the image inside the folder was wrong, I don't understand how this is possible. I should have fixed it by now, so I'm going to upload a new update so you can continue playing. I sincerely apologize for this inconvenience.

Do I need to download the game again or not? 
if yes, which file?  

From what I see, you previously downloaded the Windows version, so that is the one you have to download. Then you have to transfer your previous game to the new game.

Thanks for the report, I will translate that text into English, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


sorry to bother you, but in Katsune's quest :

Katsune personnal quest 2 1,

when i  click on bag in inventory for read it, language is in spanish at the place of english