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I couldn't get past the hehe hint, but i had fun with it. The graphics are beautiful and i could tell they took a while to make. The sound design was good too, and it was always clear if dad was checking in or not which makes it on me whenever i failed. what i dont get, however, is why dad would run in on me whenever i checked my clues. I would get to the station that is presumably hehe and click everywhere. i checked the clues, cuz hey maybe i was wrong. insta gameover. i think i caught the underlying story with the man and the woman with the cigarette. (i could definitely kinda tell there was somethin going on at least, dont know what) and have to say, if thats on purpose (cuz i could just be looking for patterns that arent there) thats really clever.

You did it! You won! Did you notice the clues vanishing and only leaving the words in red? It's supposed to be a sentence if you rearrange from 'top to bottom' to 'left to right.' If you want me to tell you, let me know, or you can play it once more and see the phrase. There was a bug that made 'dad' appear once you go to the 'touching' clue, causing the game to go into a win state. It's supposed to be triggered after the 'hehe' clue, but I unfortunately didn't have time to fix it. T___T

The game has since been updated on my main game page, so if you want to play it again, you should check it out here:

I really wanted to develop the woman's scene to be the mom who was seduced by a charming devil (literally) and how it affected her family. I didn't have time to get that through, but these are the animations for it. I'm glad you saw some semblance of it! Thank you deeply for playing and giving me your impression of the game. I really appreciate it! :^]


hour backs r touching hehe?

(1 edit)

Hey don't say that kind of stuff, that's creepy >:)