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Thanks for answering my question. Though, I think there is a version of dotnet-runtime on Ubuntu, I know this might sound weird, but I don't like mono that much. I understand that it is needed for running certain exe files, but maybe I would prefer using the dotnet command instead.

I'm not sure how this'll work, because the .NET framework is a bit finicky. I know this, because I had to install it to run FamiStudio natively at one point. Plus, I think dotnet usually runs dll files, so maybe trying mono for now will be my best bet.

Again, I do appreciate you answer, so thank you.


This was made with .net framework and winforms, which don't support linux.
.net and .net core have linux runtimes.
It's not possible to run the editor with the dotnet command on linux, as that's a completely different runtime to .net framework, and it doesn't support winforms on linux.

The only way you could get the editor running 'natively' on linux is if a mono port was made, or if the editor was completely scrapped and rewritten in a different gui framework (not happening)

If you're opposed to a mono port, you'll have to try messing around with wine.

Yeah, I guess you do have a point. Plus, I'm not completely opposed to a mono port either, so keep up the good work anyway.