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Really cool game! I love the skybox design, the space ambience is really well done. What I like the most is how some things look all warped when they are in front of the blackhole! Nice attention to detail. I like the idea of beating waves of enemies, introducing new ones along the way trying to get as high as possible.

I do think that reloading should have some feedback. First time I lost my bullets I thought I had to find ammo cause nothing was happening. A simple animation I guess could do fine. Another thing I would love to see is some HP up items. Or maybe after each wave you heal a percentage of your health! Lastly, in some waves you could maybe add some stuff to the battlefield, like walls, rocks and stuff like that (I got to like wave 6 so idk if this happens after that). That way you vary the combat a little bit!

Super fun to play!


Thanks for the feedback