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Woooow, I’m really impressed!

This is so well done!

Idk where to start, so much to love about this one!

It’s a short little thought, it says what wants to, and it gets out quick!


I really love how you can feel clear you’re a child because everything is bigger then you!

It really helps selling the fact you’re a kid.


The stealth was stressful but the right amount of stressful if you ask me!

I have to say I did feel kind of lost in the woods but maybe that was the point of it.

And if that’s true, than its really well done because even I felt really lost (and in the moment was wishing for some landmarks) I still managed to finish the segment in a reasonable amount of time. (idk of that’s coincidence or intended, but if intended its so well done)


Also love how this game has a beginning, middle and ending.

The ending did really felt climactic.

So extra props to the director!


Love it!

Really well done, especially for a game jam game!