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Everything felt good, it was dark and a little boring, Lots of doors, I guess that is the theme but like 3/5 for making and submitting I have nothing special to say or critic on. Good job!

Thanks, did you find the secrets though ? The game is not what it seems, you can go everywhere where you can see a yellow totem hehe. It’s a bit of strange one. Thanks for playing.

I found a few things a flashlight, a man hole, and lots doors


That’s a start, but if you ever plan on replaying it, there’s a map in the house that reveals some secrets, but don’t tell anyone else :-)


Found 9/10 doors and the map...not sure if these laundry shoots or whatever are considered doors.... the way the doors open are a little strange I feel I have to hold the mouse down and they only go one way which is into the player opposed to away from the player depending what side of the door your on

Yep, just like a regular doors, my friends have been reporting that the passage to the parcour sections is a bit tricky to find, you’re supposed to go to the J marked on the map in the house and explore there. Thanks for giving it a go again