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There's a lot to like here; the art is lovely, the world looks interesting and promising, the story has a lot of teasers of things I normally like. However the translation is not the best and breaks immersion, and the current demo ends.. ambiguously? or is bugged and I couldn't figure it out. If the game is only coliseum combat, it's going to feel a little tedious based on the current gameplay. If there's other features, I'd have liked to see them in the demo.


Hi thank you for playing our game :)

sorry for the later reply, in the video you're trying to go to the lafka's tales using stair and to be able to use stair you can use diagonal analog button or if you use keyboard you can use the combination of A and W. We are planning to add tutorial in the near future so i hope you can play the game more comfortable.

For your curiosity we have more feature in the game that you can try when it's release so hopefully we can release the game soon :)