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thank you SO much for your thoroughness and it really means a lot that you even went looking for bugs, I hope I've cleared out a few of them hehe, tho shame on you for peaking at the game folders! jk haha a lot of the spicy stuff should now be in there in the 2.0 build and some of those graphical errors I hope I've managed to fix.

As for the big bacon lad, I didn't initially have any further plans, but maybe I'll run some community polls to see what encounters like him people would like to see fleshed out a bit more;)

(2 edits)

All reported bugs are fixed ;). The update slaps, love to see Alfred get frisky eheh (i went snooping through the folder again, I can't stop myself, is the Alfy smooch scene obtainable in game atm?) Love the victorian mutton chops, looks-wise he has a very Brontë/Austen novel vibe

Everything runs perfectly 10/10, love the bitches. 

Now, you didn't ask for it BUT I'll extend the offer (asking never hurts?) if you ever need a beta tester, I'm your man, I WANNA SEE THIS MASTERPIECE BE THE BEST VERSION OF ITSELF.