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Nicely put together.  I'm very impressed at the quality of work you've been able to put into this! A lot of time has clearly been put into this game. Enemy designs, art assets, systems running behind the scenes. Good work!

As a fellow dev, I want to point out some critiques as we are all in this to make our games the best we can!

- I noticed you could hold charge then go into water, then have the charge bug out for a bit. Nothing major just pointing it out. You might already know.

- Consider moving stamina meter near the player character in a non-intrusive way. It's a bit hard to see on the edge of the screen for me personally. 

- After I defeated all the enemies and walked into the cave (the one where the black thorns are blocking entrance). I was a bit disoriented after entering the cave and being on the top side of the map, even though I entered from the bottom. I decided to walk up and found myself back in the previous scene, doing the fight again to remove the black thorns. This may or may not be intentional. Just wanted to point it out.

- I eventually ended up with a black screen and I was unsure if that was intentional or my game bugged. I was able to see the light from my projectiles but nothing else. I was in the cave with the 3 symbols and the jelly fish. I cleared the second room where you fight a wave of enemies then proceeded. The next room for some reason when completely black. Sorry idk what caused it.

Overall I think this is a great demo. Keep up the good work! I'm always down to try updated builds!