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We can't thank you enough for the kind words and for taking the time to play it. It put a big smile in our faces!

To be clear, yes, there was a   v e r y   long list of issues that were fixed comparing the jam build to the web version. We implemented some of the suggestions, and one of them was the visual feedback in various things. I'm glad it seems to have done its job justice! The same can be said about the puzzle, since the *SPOILERS* hints in the keypad were added after feedback from the jam build!

I'm also so glad a little spook was achieved, for a myriad of reasons that I'll probably talk about in an behind the scenes log (same goes for the different endings stuff). The 2 weeks of dev. were chaotic to say the least, so I'm glad we were able to do a little bit of the intended spook.

That's such a good idea for the enemies! I'll definitely discuss this with my brother!

Once again, thank you so much for checking the game out and for the words! It means a lot!