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I'm concerned that I might not have the minimum requirements for this game. You mention that it should be played on a gaming PC -- which this technically is, but also quite an old one, so certainly not up to modern gaming standards. When I try to run the UE prerequisite installer, the bar doesn't visibly move at all. It may just be taking a long time -- it doesn't appear frozen, since I can click the cancel button with no issue -- but if this is an indicator of how the game would run, I might not be able to run it effectively. Do you have an idea of what the minimum system requirements would be?


The 'gaming PC' caution is me erring on the side of doubt as to warn that this game might be unoptimized. I unfortunately don't have minimum specs on hand, but I think even a 'dated' PC has a chance to run it. First loads of the application also tend to halt for a moment, from what I've experienced. Worst case scenario is that it doesn't deploy at all or crashes out on you. Alternate strategy might be trying to run the executable as administrator, by right clicking the 'Aftersoul' application and hitting 'run as administrator'. 

Hm, well it did successfully install this time, though it then said I need to restart my computer for it to take effect. Is this normal?