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Great game!

I do run into some  dead ends and probably oversee some things to make next steps.

Case 1: Serena (science teacher)

Although she is on the max levels of Affection, Trust and Corruption, the question for more lewd research options still bounces (she still doesn't trust me). What to do?

Case 2: Lauren (lingerie store)

I remember a dialogue with her where she reveals she had a history in teaching health. After that dialogue I never found another clue how to get her to replace Jacob (I assume that's what should happen in the end)

Jacob is very passive and only drinks a beer with you ;-) 

Can you give me some hints how to proceed?


Thanks! And ah, sorry for the confusion :D

1. It's currently not possible to unlock the lewd options. Those will be made available in the update after the next one. The next two updates are first overhauling club mechanics and then adding new rooms etc.

2. She also cannot yet be recruited, but that might indeed be where it is heading, heh.