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sorry for spamming this post but I can't seem to get my alpha-packed passthrough video to work :( 
From what I understand, I'm supposed to composite an original video with the alpha matte video into the same "canvas" and shift the coordinates to let heresphere know which part of the canvas to sample to produce the transparency?

I have a 3840 x 1920 Equirectangular 180 SBS video composited with a 3840 x 1920 Equirectangular 180 SBS  video matte in a side-by-side configuration ( so it's now 7680 x 1920, aspect ratio of 4 ) and my settings are:

Shift X -0.5, Shift Y 0, Scale X 1.0, Scale Y 1.0

but it shows up a little bit funky, the subject is split down the middle on the left and right side of the viewing space while in Equirectangular 180 FOV;  switching to Equirectangular 360 kinda fixes that but only the left-eye frame is matting properly, the right-eye frame is somehow matting with what looks like an inverted film negative version of the original video 

here's the video (NSFW)

Please let me know if there are any examples I should follow to get it working!

Thanks for the help! :)

Seems like I can't get it to work properly either, since the current projection method is dependent on the aspect ratio of the video, and the added alpha image ends up changing the aspect ratio of the video. I'll take a look into it when I have time. Maybe implementing a second video track just for alpha would actually be a better solution after all, lol.

Thanks for the update! :)

I might try not changing the aspect ratio of the video and just compositing the alpha matte in some area of the video that isn't normally seen but it'd likely be at half-res or less, but oh well, it is what it is!

 Alternatively,  i wonder if it's possible to offer support for videos that contain an alpha channel?

perhaps for videos encoded with any of these codecs that offer alpha channel support?

H.265, VP9 and so on..? 

Might be easier than implementing a second video track :D

I don't think the Quest's hardware decoders support alpha channels, though.

ah that's too bad! :(