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Hey Margravee,

I'm sorry for the delay in replying to your message, Itch's auto moderation flagged some comments for approval and I'm only now seeing them.

If you're on Android and the game takes a long time to unpack/crashes, you may have permission issues or a corrupted file.

I suggest making sure the Launcher has the necessary permissions, if they do already, turning them off and on again can help, even reinstalling the Launcher can also help. If its the RPA file. please make sure if your phone has any antivirus software or plugins to allow them through as it can be flagged as a false threat. I would also ensure the download isn't paused/interrupted as it can cause the file to corrupt.

If this is on PC, it could also be an antivirus software issue. Allowing it through should allow it to unpack without any issues. Also, be sure to give it admin rights to help it negate any possible issues.

I hoped this helped you and if not, please do poke me and we'll try to get everything sorted o/