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this game was really fun and i enjoyed it a lot buuut......

*spoilers below*

Haru's route was like??? reeally transphobic?? they're a trans girl who decided to go back to being a cis boy just because they think it'll make Aya like them more???? am i misunderstanding something?? cause that was wack.

Also, less of a big deal, but Ryu's route was such a disappointment tbh he was a more interesting character when he was hyper weirdo. most of the other characters are already pretty gloomy so he was a breath of fresh air...but then: surprise!! ..he's the gloomiest. :///


A good amount of people found Haru's route transphobic and I'm sincerely sorry for that. From what I understood from all the comments (mostly on steam) about how Haru's route was twisted, this is greatly due to the fact that my english was really poor at the time and that I failed to convey the message I had in mind, resulting to people thinking I voluntarily depicted Haru in a ill manner, which was
obviously not my intention.

Right now I'm working on a remake where hopefully it will be more clear for everyone that Haru is a cis boy simply crossdressing as a response/self-protection because of his view of the world around him and isn't actually a trans person. I do feel really bad for the people who felt hurt or betrayed because of their expectations and my poor writing at the time, so I'll try my best to make it extra clear from the get go✦♡

I hope it clears a bit the confusion ~

personally i do think it would be really cool if Haru was a trans boy who is presenting as a girl because that's what's expected of him, but he's your character and you can write him however you want. BUT i am really glad to know that you didn't intend any transphobia and i think it's cool that you're remaking the game and rethinking Haru's route!!

and like i said, even if there were some things i didn't like, i ultimately still like this game a lot and i still played through every route lol!!

thx for the explanation and keep up the good work 👍👍