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I had a fun time playing the demo! I checked out everything that I couldn't before, and honestly, I can't wait for the next release! Noah is still a mystery guy to me. Why does he live in the middle of nowhere? With all the blizzard weather, I doubt that he enjoys any of that, hahaha. Perhaps he has some cards up his sleeve, huh... Oh well, at least he is nice... For now оmo"


Yay, I'm happy to know you enjoyed this! As far as the next release, it'll be something I'll discuss in a future master post! :,] 

To answer a bit of your question, Noah hints at how he feels about some of the weather through varying dialog at times in the extended demo. Here's a old post where I explained it further on my Tumblr! I'll eventually redo this but mainly just the images as everything else is fairly the same! :]

I just need to re-organize all of the old lore posts on my tumblr again. Thanks for playing! :,]


Ohhh I see now! Thank you for answering! <3
And also, thank you for all the work you have done in this demo! The improvements are clearly visible, especially in the atmosphere of the game. I feel like I am immersed in something cold yet alluring while playing it!


-gives an additional jar with heart-shaped cookies-
Happy Valentine's day! May this day bring you happiness and joy ^w^


No problem! I'm very happy knowing it was well received, especially the atmospheric details making things even more immersive! :,]

Also late belated Valentines day to you, It  did end up being happy and joyful and I hope the same happened for you! Thank you for the jar of heart-shaped cookies!  :,] 



Please, you made me so-soo happy with this awesome gif . I can't take this cuteness hahahaha >///< I'm glad to know you spent that day well!!!