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Ohhh I see now! Thank you for answering! <3
And also, thank you for all the work you have done in this demo! The improvements are clearly visible, especially in the atmosphere of the game. I feel like I am immersed in something cold yet alluring while playing it!


-gives an additional jar with heart-shaped cookies-
Happy Valentine's day! May this day bring you happiness and joy ^w^


No problem! I'm very happy knowing it was well received, especially the atmospheric details making things even more immersive! :,]

Also late belated Valentines day to you, It  did end up being happy and joyful and I hope the same happened for you! Thank you for the jar of heart-shaped cookies!  :,] 



Please, you made me so-soo happy with this awesome gif . I can't take this cuteness hahahaha >///< I'm glad to know you spent that day well!!!