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Hi my friend,

i tryied the link and for me it works. Have you changed your pc dns? Are you using a VPN?


yes I changed the DNS, manually and using DNS jumper, no success. I have Chrome installed and can access the website in the browser, but still have this problem.

Same here =(


for me it works with Google dns (

I have also tried everything with DNS jumper etc, but still the same problem. Two days ago, when I bought it, it was working fine. Maybe it has something to do with a Win update? I have no idea

Can be useful to use Flush DNS sometimes, to clean DNS cache 

I reset everything again, restarted and now get the [Win 5] error

.exe -> right click -> "Run as administrator", now it works =)

OH Nice, so it is a permission problem. 

Stupid Windows, thank you my friend

So I tried both IPv4 and IPv6 set to Google DNS and still have the same error. Program is run as Admin too. Also flushed DNS.

Hi my friend,

can you reach the website with the browser? 

Have you tryied both _pyinstaller and _nuitka package?

Yes, I can reach it in the browser.

And I just tried both as Admin, no success.

This is really strange, 

i will investigate further this problem and i will fix it in next release :)