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They're not behind schedule because there is no schedule. None of the best devs I know of, release on a regular interval. They just work on it until it's up to high standards and release when they're done, often giving small regular progress updates to placate their fans. Before you complain about how fast you get updates, also consider how much you get each time.

There are vague progress updates and even sneak peaks if you'd like, they are just not here. They are on Patreon, Subscribestar and Discord; you see all these big banners up there? It's common practice to separate small progress updates and big releases to avoid unwanted inbox spam.

You don't have to pay anything if you don't want to but I think you're jumping to conclusions way too fast here.


finally someone with the ability to tbink logical

(1 edit) (-8)

This  is not the least bit logical or ok! Why have a presence on Itch and then refuse to offer information on it?! All it would take is Copy and Paste!!!!!

I think Caribdis would learn to follow a schedule if he didn't get paid when he failed to follow one... Just like everyone else with a job...