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Thanks for playing and for your feedback.

I never even considered that username interpretation! It's actually just got a lower-limit of 5 characters, so I'm assuming you stuck a space in there and met the conditions coincidentally. And I should actually definitely look into those specific questions again - I think that'll give the beginning much more focus.

I definitely get the feeling of wanting things to branch, and I may do that in the later half of the game. But honestly my hot take is that people much prefer linear narrative, but have been tricked into believing that branching narratives are cool. So if anything I'm probably going to even prune more of the branches that I did, and work on a more compelling plot. But I hear you, and really appreciate your time and input.


oh, lol. that might've just been me misunderstanding the guideline then! XD maybe I'm the only one who did that. I thought it was an intentional part of the game haha