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Really good game. I like the pace, the music, the story.

One thing that completly throw me off though is how the dialogues sometimes become crude and NSFW for absolutely no reason. For example, there is a perfectly normal conversion going on and suddently either a female caracter or the MC starts refering to hardcode sex stuff out of nowhere.
I know the game is about sex and I really enjoyed that as well, but when the caracters starts randomly acting and speaking like porn actors it breaks the immersion. Which is too bad since the game is really good apart from that.


Huh, I never found the sextalk to be out of place or "sudden". Would you mind naming a scene that backs up your point?


One that come to my mind is in Warthog school, the potion teacher starts talking very crudely to Penny to showcase the effect of the Veritaserum potion.

I noticed it two or three other situations but I can’t remember the exact scenes.


Hm, ok. I don't agree with you there but thanks for the example. The scene sure is absurd, but meant to be funny. It also gradually gets more hardcore as the scene goes on, it could be a lot more jarring than this.

An even better example that comes to mind would be Elliot from the Collector's mansion. That was quite unexpected. But also kind of mimicing what the player was probably thinking. Yeah, can't share your sentiment here, sorry :P


I found that scene to be quite natural. The potion teacher is a nasty pervert and tricked Penny into drinking the potion so that she can ask her naughty questions and get off on it.


i think it's a you issue because that's how many people talk and joke with each other, i and my friends also sometimes during conversation do jokes or start talking about other topics including hardcore sex sometimes