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let's be real, the HUGE downside jsut are the confusing controls.

so arrow keys to move, w to jumo (supposdedly, never tried it).
but wasd not to jump and move, no.
a for gun, s for block(which doesnt work against the one improtant thing, the fatty boss) and d for normal attack.
space to roll.

up arrow (Held? pressed? who knows)+3 times q supposed to do some railroaded ultimate which is seemeingly impossible to do.
first of, gotta stun boss or you dont have time to do it.

then you likely will spear trust through him, so 3 consecutive hits aint possible due to distance crossed with each thrust.

and even if you do 3 thrusts, game doesnt seem to care.
boss has no health bar anyways that one may deplete.
but the ultimate tutorial image is still there, so taks not done apparently.