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(1 edit) (+2)

Looking forward to the next update.   I have seen several others and really like your artwork.  Animie is just plain captivating.   I like how the kids are"protected" in the daycare. Totally away from the mayham and "other" items  in the story. 

 I Enjoy taking Emma and , MistyAnne , to the concert, or  Lily and Sissysue to the park.  ( My kid names) 

Your imagination and ability to create this game is to be praisd.   So many are just sex with little interest.  I played  twice to act 3 now taking notice that there is a lot to do  which takes a lot of character and game  development.  

My head explodes when I think of all the code! 

 Yes I make sure I look after Gwen on Wednesdays! 


Thank you for the kind words! It really does mean a lot to know that people play and enjoy the game :)

I hope you enjoy the next update too, though I'm not sure when the one after that will be... it depends entirely on whether or not everyone can hit the SubscribeStar goal by the end of the month. Fingers crossed!