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(1 edit) (+2)

I made a VERY similar project recently, but I took a different approach to it. I made a game about mining, instead of road tripping.

I turned it into a desktop widget. It sits as a semi-transparent window that lets you see and interact with text behind it. Instead of taking a whole screen, it’s a small floating window that you work around, but can always see.

My next steps are adding session notes, for when you launch the app, and iteration notes, to say what you did for each 25 minute sessions.

I planned on gamifing it with reward every time you “complete” an iteration that lets you do “number go up” style idle game unlocks.

I haven’t published any of this, but I’m curious what you think.

BTW, you have to be careful using “pomodoro” or “tomato” timer in productivity. It is trademarked. And the owner is kinda litigious.