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(1 edit) (+1)

EDIT of 2/7/2024: Well I somehow able to beat Regular Mode afterwards, with checkpoints on. For some parts they are still fine I guess, this is the full try of the Regular Mode.

I think this is a pretty good and promising game. Reason why promising, is because it has some issues, and might need some number of tweakings. Well I guess someone else already had the same problem/s, but yeah. I think few-some levels needs to be also tweaked a bit in regular. I'm sorry if I couldn't explain more or show, but some of the pulley platforms are very hard to get back in the snowpeak area in regular, if you accidentally put one of them in max bottom (I'm sorry if my wording is not good.) Still there's many good things in this, and I still enjoyed the game, even if it's only in casual.

Overall, very nice.


Also a very random very late follow up comment I guess, would be cool to see some references of some of the characters