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Combam back at it again with ReactJS! Cool to see some more interactivity in this one, but tbh had more fun slipping on ice last week ;)

Nice work on the art though, and getting something done in 3 hours


hahahaha I also had more fun last week. I've never been an art guy. I really like to solve problems and the mathematics of programming, so this was more like a challenge. I really really wanted to put a lot more time on the game mechanics. It was going to be more like a neuronal network, where you can get the man on the screen to be mad or sad depending on the object you clicked on, and the main goal was to discover the full crime history confession without being kicked by the man, because he could be really mad if you ask him directly about the key elements of the crime.

But I really like to do the mathematics of slipping in the ice hahahaha.