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I recently purchased the Donut Dodo APK for iiRcade. I’m trying side load the APK on my Arcade1up Simpsons Cabinet. I’m able to get it installed. The jump button works, but the joystick does not. I know this is not what the APK was intended for, but wondering if you have any ideas on how to fix? Any help greatly appreciated.


Hi Glenn,

The guys from iiRcade looked after the button mapping, so I'm afraid I won't be of much help.
I'm not sure if they had some input conversion going on under the hood.

If you have one of those usb encoder/input boards that also accepts keyboard input, you could try mapping it to WASD or the arrow keys, since the APK does support keyboard input. 

Hope that helps!

thank you for responding. I think that is a little out of my league. If I was able to get my hands on an iiRcade, how would I load this on it?

I will ask in the iiRcade community if someone with sideloading experience can help you out here.

If you have Discord, please consider joining the iiRcade community here:
They can provide assistance in side-loading games.