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well the plugin runs without that specific dependency, and if you have the same issue with the demo running into a error when starting its because the node PlaceableSelectionUI under canvas layer have a array in its properties called placeables that has a empty slot, if you remove that slot you can run the demo and place things, it just don't check placement rules for some reason. My guess is that Chris restructured some stuff and it broke the top-down demo and didn't notice, probably a easy fix so i wouldn't worry about losing out 30$

(4 edits)


  • Removed the null placeable reference in top down demo. Should work again. Updated demo uploaded grid_building_demo_project_3.2.1
  • Added a test to check demos for null placeable references on the UI.
  • Moved testing folder from addons/grid_builder_gut_testing to test for clarity. These tests validate that the plugin should run correctly and shouldn't be needed in your actual project (but feel free to copy them in and run them with Godot Unit Test (GUT) if you know how)

The gut testing 'addon' is just for running unit tests within the demo project to test the real addon's functionality (I probably will just move this to a folder called test in the demo project in the future) I will check the mentioned collision problems and update the empty / null placeable in the demo asap.


tried it and it works now, thanks for the quick response

(1 edit)

I tried to combine it with project in this video but it doesnt work for me.

Ping me on discord here and I'll help sort it out. Screenshots will help, thanks.