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It's in Grailwood the village, a tricky one lol

Thank you Djymee, your post made my day :D 

When I make gaymes for us gaymers, I just know that I'll get a lil more support than usual, I don't want to "label" anything. Still, I think, just like Lancelot told Sir Lebius's mom - Lady Leona, gay in human society is like worker bees in a bee hive, we don't breed, we support the ones who breed, by nature, we're supporters :D (you can see kids wif gay uncles who give them cool clothes and toys, abandoned kids who are adopted by gay couples etc.). Expected, but, it still feels awesome when it comes, all the love, care, and encouragement you guys have been giving to me during the whole process <3 <3 <3 Without that, I don't think I can make it.

I just think I should support the supporters. I found out, this is what I was born for, all the hobbies, skills, knowledge, and experiences I get over time are just right for me to be in this place, a gayme maker xD

Gaymers should have more awesome gaymes, and don't have to see a lot of boobs and hot girls in-game (I don't hate them but meh) but a lot of hot guys and muscles instead xD Time to save princes instead of princesses xD 


As I had tried to open the other houses without success, I had not tried this one. Thanks, I was able to complete this excellent game. See you soon for the next masterpiece (perhaps with a pretty aurora borealis) :).

Thank you Djymee :D I'll try my best! xD