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Yeah, that was a terrible bug actually haha. I sort of changed the secret, bad end right before the deadline, and the quick test I ran didn't reveal the issue. That encounter wasn't meant to be part of the random pool! It should be a little bit tricky to kill landlords (unfortunately?).

Thanks for the report and the kind words. It should be fixed. If you'd like to see more of the game, it should work now! Man, that's embarrassing. Thanks again for the report!


Haha got it, yeah I tried again and was able to see much more of the game, got a more 'real' ending I think! I enjoyed the speed of it, I would might have liked some sort of overview so I knew how many battles were left before going to a town/inn, but not knowing also built in some tension so it could go either way IMO. Looks great (I enjoyed all of the enemy art, the zombies and slimes especially) and plays well with a solid small but well defined scope, well done!