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Awesome game. SO MUCH POTENTIAL.

I loved it. Great work.

I have some nitpicks, but only because it was great.

- I didn't interact with any switch for so long, but the time I got to one I couldn't remember what button to press.
- I could go through the portals without having to hit switches.
- I wish there was a shortcut to jump words. Especially for the levels where you had to do a mid jump switch. The planet screen obscured the player.
- Some levels you'd be punished if you went to the wrong world with no way of knowing if it was the right one. Maybe a hint for what world, or make all worlds at least have a way to get back to the main world.

- Was there a Candle?

Anyway, I think this is a great game. I hope you keep working on it.


Glad you enjoyed my bug-infested game haha, recently updated it with lots of bug fixes if you wish to try it again. Got a new system for planet switching in development as we speak so that it won't obscure the screen along with some solid quality of life improvements.