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So. This is a fighter brawler type of game. I confess, I'm not a super smash bros' kinda player. I'm not really a big fan of it. I tried a couple rounds, lost, ended up being kinda awkward with how to use techniques and the like. Though I appreciate the pixel aesthetic. Its well presented and pretty clean overall.

I'm not a good judge for this. I can't claim I had fun if this wasn't my type of game but I will respect the effort done to make this type of game. Well done.

Thank you.

I'll admit, this is not a good example for someone who isn't already at least a bit into platform fighters.

  • the physics isn't exactly how i'd like it to be, which means you have to fight the fact your opponent can (almost always) recover more easily from situations than you first and foremost;
  • there's only one ai, and even that being one that's (by my friend's accounts) totally ruthless and (imo) overly spammy;
  • there isn't any good way to respond to aforementioned spam, despite my (lazy) attempts at making (some) attacks be punishable (only if you can honestly react a bit unreasonably quickly);
  • the game doesn't teach/even tell you anything about what you should be doing, and the page just leaves you with the controls and a short unprecise description for each attack;
  • All that despite my attempts of making this game be "simple"/ minimal,
    and one of my inspirations being FOOTSIES, which is an "introduction/teaching game" for regular fighting games (Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, etc)

Still, I am proud of quite a few things with this game.
there's definitely a lot i still have to work on if i want this game to be in a "non-gamejam" state.

again, thanks for your feedback and if you or anyone else decides to actually read through this.