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thanks for the information, used the Glitter/Glow attack to do alot of damage to the boss or any enemy actually as that thing can hit anything for over 2k damage if you use it often enough... plus their cheaper to use.

for the Port and Oasis quests, never got them even though I spoke to everyone in these locations, did i miss a trigger or something?

I think using three members for the rat boss seem little unrealistic because most will follow the quest path, that means they would need to get to the ship and dismiss their temp member to get a new one later as you need him to get to next area, side note, anyway to dismiss him after recruiting for anyone wanting to try going solo?

For little oasis, the npc is Sabrina for red goblin quest. You may have to find her at specific time i.e afternoon/evening to trigger it. 

Port Lodeen, there is a "hidden" tavern just near the entrance. In there, a quest npc, a hirable tank mercenary and a time waster npc is available. 

Lance is a story character crucial to the main plot. So he will not be removable at the early parts of the story. In the full game, there is a choice where he will leave you permanently based on your choices. 

(1 edit)

think i spoke to the girl Sabrina, must of not been the right time, will try again later, as for the Port bar, there is four NPC's in there, the bartender, the hire, the drunk and the one who doesn't talk much, is there a quest here or is there a NPC missing? about to leave so all the 'main' stuff is done. also this bar isn't so hidden XD

oh so need to keep this annoying character while playing the demo? lol

also talking about the full game, will there be a perfect route and ending were nothing bad happens to the character?

Patch eye Pim is the one that has the quest but he doesnt give it out as a standard "quest"You just have to collect the goblin tooths for exchange. 

Yeah... I'm happy you found him annoying lol

That's exactly his character ;)

The main (purity) route is the vanilla (default) ending where she saves the world. 

Awesome, thank you, while the content is fine and at times enjoyable, still like to try get the perfect ending in a game XD lol

Is it normal for him to like the disagreement? sort of reason i think he's annoying if am honest XD

don't think i found Patch eye Pim as I have defeated some Goblins just never got any teeth from them, is he only there at certain times or do you need to do something like the oasis quest first?

Patch Eye Pim might only respond to you if an annoying person is in your party.
I'm already giving you many hints XD

Unfortunately, the Demo does not have a 'perfect' clear and you cannot bring over your accumulated stats to a new game.
What the demo can do, however, is reward you with interesting and different treasures from chests on every new playthrough.

In the full game, you can carry over all your equipment and stats when you obtain/unlock a game clear, a special ending or a slave ending.

I'm really glad you enjoyed the game :)

never knew there was different items in the chests, that's cool, if the other classes dont get people attention am sure that will XD

Oh, does he have to be alive, think i spoke to them in the bar when he was knocked out before, or maybe i had the guard with me when I tried before and forgot lol

Dont worry, Perfect ending Demos isn't very common, will play the full game when it releases and will get that Perfect ending XD