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2nd favourite free Itch game of 2023 (other ones in this post)
Meaning I'll give some money as reward, and also meaning I'll get more of the game, yay

I sadly don't remember too much anymore from the Game as I played it at the start of the years and back then I didn't write down everything I liked about a game (actually still don't)

But the Free version of the game was already a really polished good time. I don't play these times of Games particularly often (the funny difficulty type) but they cam be very fun when done well, and this one is done extremely well.

The Pogo feels surprisingly predictable, but mastering it is insanely hard and a slight slip up can end in really unpredicted Deaths. The comedic effect of Deaths is really good, the dumb splash sound effect, the little jiggle animation,  the x appearing  and abrupt Respawn makes every single one of them feel like a little Joke. The fact you often know 1-2 seconds how you die before Death catches up with you often helps with that.
The game might be frustrating to some people, which would make the deaths pretty non-funny, but for me personally it wasn't an issue because of how many difficult games I play.

So yeah, dunno what else to say here because it's been a long while since I played... OH YEAH, the sound design for the ground is absolutely amazing.