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The Ui could use an update, it's very clunky, and honestly- I find myself wishing that the auto-attack feature wasn't implemented. I don't feel challenged, and I see that the main focus may have been replayability- but even so, it took no time at all to complete, I like the concept! I just wish there was more behind it. I see you've said some not-so-savory things to other game devs in your comments page, maybe you could use some time to self reflect, and exude more positivity :D 


on the game I worked on, he 

1. failed to read the instructions, therefore saying the game was unplayable

2. rated the game all 1 stars because I told him to read the instructions

3. accused me of stealing the music from nintendo

4. blamed all of his bs on him not speaking english that well

I deleted the entire reply thread, but his original comment is still on there

also I liked your game, very fun

criticism stimulates development, and if it is adequate, I am always happy about it. What kind of self-analysis are we talking about? I can clearly see everything that has been done and what has NOT been done in my game. I did what I managed in 3 days. What's the point of looking more positively at the games of others? If they are worth it, I give them 5 stars. If I see errors, I describe them or post a screenshot of the error.

Why give a good rating to SOMETHING that is broken or not working? just out of pity because the author of the game is crying and asking for a rating? RAVE!


If you had read my comment properly, you would see that I said nothing about you rating games poorly! :D I said that you were SAYING rude comments to other people regarding their games, and not being constructive! Giving advice, knowing that you refused to read directions, is not helpful! Especially when you go out of your way to make others feel bad. Seems like the only one here whining is you :D


here we go again 🍿

Yes? and you are now claiming that if I don’t read the instructions, then I’m a fool? THE GAME SHOULD BE INTUITIVE, and not have 10 volumes of instructions. harsh criticism? I did not insult or humiliate anyone! and all my reviews are extremely constructive! I didn’t see the plans for the game and what they wanted to implement -

I only see the result and I don't like it. and because I write as it is, am I a rude person? where am I whining? Did I ask anyone for good grades? were you offended by criticism? child - first grow up, and then try to write ADEQUATE criticism of other people's actions and reviews.

if someone makes a BAD game, I won’t praise it to please him! There are several reasons:

1. I don’t like to lie

2. if you don’t point out mistakes, he will make them constantly and there will be no growth.

3. those who are morally broken by bad reviews - what will they do next when they do the work for money, it’s still just as bad to prove,

that they are simply perfect in creating games

conclusion: all the nonsense that you wrote is only harmful and is a childish desire to receive praise by showing yourself as a hero and moral adviser

p.s. hypocrisy with obvious benefit or the writings of a child with rose-colored glasses

0 brain activity ⬆