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You were one match away from completion then, I’ll need to update the description so people don’t miss it!

Tutorial will get some refinement after the ratings are over, only the last stage will be needed to be redone!

(Although your implementation could just have them changing stance randomly, wiggling their katana until at some point they get to their calculated final stance, accounting for any modifiers rolled.)

Funny you mention it, this is actually what is happening in the background. Final stance is is calculated based on enemy type, then I roll modifiers for it based on the type. In the match they actually just randomly switch around, to create the illusion of thinking, and after some time elapsed they switch to their final stance.

“red guy, deer, cloud, bird… last time that was middle smashes up key

Before I added the color stance variation this was exactly how I handled them, I think it is recorded on devlog 2 or 3 not sure which!

Thank you for the kind words! Always happy to hear someone enjoying my games, even more with some analyzing and reading through the devlogs is the cherry on top. I’m really humbled!