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Very polished experience for the 2 weeks worth of work!
Beautiful music, very intriguing game mechanics, would love to see more of this!


We’re so glad you liked it! We’re super excited to keep expanding on the concept and move forward with it.


Hey, thanks so much for checking out the game! I actually checked out your VOD playing our game and we're glad that you were able to figure out the mechanics without them being too frustrating. We're definitely planning on making some changes to make things more clear.
I also wanted to answer your question at the end about our development team's experience prior to the game jam.
1. Do any of us sleep? Our coder and writer, Deccadome, basically did not. I think he worked more than a normal full-time job's worth of hours on this game. He definitely had the hardest job of all of us. The other 3, as in me, the environment artist, and the music composer all definitely got a lot more sleep.
2. Our experience before the game jam? Deccadome hadn't really worked on game design before, but was pretty well equipped to figure out Unity and troubleshooting his code. It was pretty much all from scratch, though, as far as he's explained to me. I've been doing art for pretty much my whole life, but had never tried pixel art or animation so the past two weeks was definitely a crash course on learning how it all worked. Perry, our environmental artist, had experience doing pixel art, which you can definitely tell from the quality of his work, but only had a week since we invited him onto the team relatively late. Our composer, Sean, is actually a musician and vocalist, so he was very familiar with writing music, which I think you can also tell by just listening to what he wrote for our game.

Again, thank you for checking out our game. Your playthrough was super helpful for us!


Awesome, I wish you guys the best of luck with the project! I'd love to see how it evolves!