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Hmm, I'm unsure. I can understand your reasons, and I'm tempted to make an exception, but it would probably be fairest to not allow it- the only thing I'm concerned about is what you used to do this; as you may have consented to using your voice to train the AI, but this AI may have been trained on other voices without their permission, if that makes sense.

Because of that I feel it would be best not to allow it, I'm sorry. But if anyone disagrees, please let me know, I'm willing to hear what others think about this.

Thank you for bringing this up, have a great day ^^

No worries at all! I completely understand cos it's a bit of a weird situation and somewhat dodgy ground, haha. That's why I thought it was best to ask, so thank you for getting back to me :3 

The service I used didn't require me to consent to them using my voice in any way. It stated that they won't store any data from my uploaded recordings, but really I have no way of verifying if that's true or not >.< And even though they say their training data is all ethical for their voices, again, there's not really any way for me to truly verify it, so I can absolutely understand that.

You don't need to apologise anyhow cos it's fair enough :3

If it wasn't for the fact that I was rushing to make this during winter jam last December, I may not have had to resort to using the speech-to-speech dubbing anyhow because I would've potentially had more time to gather more funds to pay a proper narrator, but the jam was only a month long, and I hadn't actually planned to join it, so it was all a bit of a mad rush xD I'd told myself no more jams for 2023, and then December came along and I wound up joining anyways, haha.

Had the project been started for this jam, I would've spent more time on it and wouldn't have even touched the speech-to-speech stuff. I doubt I'll ever use it again either unless it's for another emergency x3

With any luck, I'll have the time to start a brand new mini-project for this jam before the jam ends! :3

Thanks again and have a happy last day of January!