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I fucking hate that dish boy. He came in the last 30 seconds and screwed me bad. I feel like the last 30 seconds should be a safe time, otherwise you can end up losing it all and that sucks.

The last thirty seconds are already blocked off, but sometimes he can show up right before the cut-off point and make at impossible mess.

It sounds like you hate him more than intended. He's supposed to be annoying, but only enough to make it seem silly.

Ariel can't keep her clothes on, Daniel is constantly showing up at the worst time, the inspector shows up at the end going "what the hell is going on here... ?!" Probably not the funniest joke you've ever seen, but it's meant to be that Daniel is annoying and that's part of the humor.

I was going along with the joke swell before that incident. Everything was smooth sailing, he occasionally showed up and I smirked as I rolled my eyes, it was a good time.

But with that sense of easy joking, comes with a rubber band effect. When he came in and ruined my world, I felt it deeper because I was higher in delight. If that makes sense.

In other words, the joke went too far.

If you want to put it that way, yes. It went a bit too far.

A possible way to take a bit of the sting out of this game is to maybe give the player a bit more of a safety zone towards the end. If the last 30 seconds are indeed protected, then you could increase it a bit. Not to a full 60 seconds (or maybe you do), but like 35 to 45 seconds depending on how benevolent you feel like being. That way he can't totally ruin the fun.