it's me! the ME!
0.1.5a is here.* a slight nudge better than 0.1.5, and obviously here's the new stuff (note: doesn't include anything after warp room 1 because of my lazy ass making a new save file and sucking complete ass, though i don't think anything changed after that)
first off, an intro cutscene! pretty fun, and now we have the storyian.
basically cortex doesn't want to conquer the universe, he wants to conquer the dimension. actually 3. actually 2, the cutscene shows cortex making a dimension die so now he has to conquer TWO. back in n. sanity island, while crash is being lazy and crunch gets stuck under his deadlift bar, there's a silly thing going on in the beach. coco can't do it, and neither can crunch, he's lifting. so naturally coco wakes our beloved cash banoocian up by telling him about hundreds of wumpa fruit washed up in the shore. he naturally woahs himself out of house and then goes into a tutorial level. incredible and i absolutely did NOT expect for it to pull a gringott's steak house and force into the hub.
re-opinion on warp roomian 1
levonian 1 - pipe down
sewer level. goodians. end platform should be slightly stretched to make the unlocking of level 31 easier
levonian 2 - welcome to the jungle
good. title could use a little work though
levonian 3 - market crash
not a supermarket. good pun. hard red gem. guy that gives out the red gem literally jukes you if you carpeted there
levonian 4 - acid reflex
sucks ass. bad box gem.
levonian 5 - seismic activity
sucks ass. bad box gem.
boss onian - dingodile
sucks a-
thanks for read
also enemies in dingodile is pretty cool but i still haven't legitimately beat him
*not sure this is seperate from 0.1.5